Yes, she's strange and different...but not THAT different.

28 April 2006

Geek Stuff

Just some quick notes about two changes here: First, clicking on my picture in the profile box on the top right will now show the whole picture that the head shot shown was cropped from. I'd had requests to put it up somewhere, so here it is for those who are interested. Second, I put together a Java script that displays the rainbow text you now see at the top and on the right. The starting point of the spectrum changes each time the page is reloaded and it only shows colors, no black/white/gray. If you're interested in it, I'll be happy to send it to you. (Or you can just copy if from this page's source.) Finally, in the process of poking around in code again, it occurred to me that while I am quite capable of hacking into systems and such ("hacking to crack"), it's a lot of work to do so and I have better things to do. So maybe just having a life keeps me honest and keeps me from being quite so much of a geek.

  • On 4/30/2006 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    looks really good. god, i love diversity.

  • On 5/01/2006 11:53 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    Thanks for the positive feedback, folks! (Everyone who doesn't like to be told they look good, raise your hand. OK, now be honest - no false modesty - I thought so!)

    I only posted that picture a) because it was the most recent one I could find that looked halfway decent and b) folks asked to see it. As I said way back at the beginning, it was taken quickly at the end of the day and isn't really a favorite ... but it's realistic. In addition to the fabulous shoes (which I'm seriously thinking of giving their own post), you might notice the glasses that I quickly removed and am trying unsuccessfully to hide in my left hand. Also note that both hands are hidden because I thought they looked hideous, esp. my nails, after a just-completed yearlong stint working maintenance at a townhouse complex.

  • On 5/01/2006 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Everything looks great here! I'm wondering how you got the "recent comments" code to work so well on Blogger.

  • On 5/01/2006 12:45 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    FRoG, I'll email you the code that I'm using in my Blogger template.

  • On 5/02/2006 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    These are nice, subtle changes! I like them. I'm trying not to tweak my own blog too much these days... It becomes a bit compulsive because there are so many wonderful things out there you can add in, and you have to ask yourself: what do they actually give my readers and myself?

    The rainbow effect is lovely! x

  • On 5/02/2006 9:37 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    Thanks, Andy. Although I'm somewhat limited by being hosted on Blogger, I, too, have to resist the temptation to just throw all kinds of bells and whistles into the pages here. The only other one I'm toying with right now is a hack to reveal/show the main page's posted comments inline rather than on another page. If I get it to do what I want, I might put it in place.

  • On 5/02/2006 4:15 PM, Blogger DeniseUMLaw said…

    Oh, I don't know; I think you're a LOT prettier in person. :)

  • On 5/02/2006 4:26 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Well, I am prettier in person - no picture can ever do me justice - but I didn't want to sound like I was egotistical or self-centered or anything.


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