Yes, she's strange and different...but not THAT different.

03 May 2007

Male Student Allowed To Attend School As Female

From Fort Worth (the Texas one, if there's any confusion) comes this story:
On April 26, Evans wore heels, fake breasts and a wig to class at Eastern Hills High School in Fort Worth.

School officials said the clothing was distracting, and they placed Evans in detention.
On Wednesday, he made a move to fight the district's decision. Evans hired Phyllis Randolph Frye, a transgender attorney and advocate for transgender rights, to represent his case.
After the meeting, Evans' attorney announced Rodney can attend school as Rochelle. He will use the bathroom in the nurse's office.

I'm not real happy about the pronoun usage in the story, nor about the reporter's labeling of Rochelle as a "crossdresser". Also, I couldn't find any online sources other than the Fort Worth television station linked to above, but it's still early in the news cycle. But the outcome was positive ... after the family brought Phyllis in.

  • On 5/04/2007 9:06 PM, Blogger Sherri said…

    Did you see the Babs story on transgender kids? Just killed me. I think this poor girl's story is proof positive that the parents who caught it early are letting their kids do what's right for them very early on. Surely it won't be so tough come high school.

    Who am I kidding? Of course it will.

  • On 5/05/2007 11:00 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    I didn't see the story when it aired, but I've seen it since. I can only hope that the parents of those kids not only let them express their true gender but also help instill in them a very strong sense of self. Having confidence in yourself and believing in yourself and loving yourself are the only things that will hopefully get those kids through to adulthood without too many emotional and psychic (and maybe even physical) scars.


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