Yes, she's strange and different...but not THAT different.

17 October 2007

Mom Song

If you're a regular reader here (and I know both of you) you know that despite the fact that I'm a parent, this is not a mommy blog ... or anything even close to that. HOWEVER ... the following was just too on-the-mark to pass up. Some of you may have seen it already, although it's good enough for a repeat performance. For those of you who haven't seen it, comedian Anita Renfroe has captured a day in the life of a typical mother and set it to the William Tell Overture. All you parents - and especially you moms - will find it remarkably accurate. Go ahead - you can spare three minutes out of your day.

(Fourier Analyst: how's that?)

  • On 10/17/2007 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I saw this for the first time recently and laughed so hard! I HAD to send it to my mother. Very funny. And true.

  • On 10/17/2007 3:46 PM, Blogger cathouse teri said…

    I'm the MOM!

    Cute. I don't think I said a lot of that stuff to my kids. But my mom sure said it to me!

    I'm sure you can imagine, I was a bit more unconventional. When my teenaged daughter said jokingly to me, "Mom! You suck!" I replied, "You wish!" She said, "ewwwwwwwwwwww..." and never said it again. ;)

  • On 10/17/2007 3:47 PM, Blogger cathouse teri said…

    Can I be the far-from-regular reader here?

  • On 10/17/2007 4:25 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    @Leslie - I was going to send it out via email but there were so many women I wanted to send it to that I got lazy and just posted it. Let them do the work!

    @Sexy Kitty - as long as you're not TOO far.

  • On 10/17/2007 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Okay....that was really brilliant. Every single thing she said I must have heard my entire life.


  • On 10/17/2007 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A friend sent this to me .... I wept. Because it was so dead on.

  • On 10/17/2007 5:50 PM, Blogger cathouse teri said…


  • On 10/17/2007 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And now that I think about it more...I may just play it as an endless loop while the girls sleep.....Mwaaahhhha haha haha

  • On 10/17/2007 9:41 PM, Blogger Nancy said…

    Yes I've seen it, yes it's worth repeating, yes it's so true, yes it's funny chit!

  • On 10/18/2007 7:53 AM, Blogger DeniseUMLaw said…

    I would give anything to share this with my mom. She said *so many* of those things to me (obviously nothing about text messaging at the table (did we even have color TV then?)).

    Thanks! I've even posted in on my private blog so that my sister could see it!

  • On 10/18/2007 11:20 AM, Blogger robkroese said…

    I was distracted by the Matrix behind her.

  • On 10/18/2007 11:53 AM, Blogger Weekends Off said…

    That was fantastic LOL

  • On 10/18/2007 12:03 PM, Blogger cathouse teri said…

    *Teri is waiting for lesbian CPR erotica*

  • On 10/18/2007 2:11 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    *Honey - you ask, I deliver. Above*

  • On 10/19/2007 5:08 PM, Blogger Jen said…

    This was SO funny... No wonder we're all so exhausted at the end of the day!

  • On 10/25/2007 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    cute but the singing sounds like mine. well, maybe a little better.


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